What is String * Integer in SQL?

I saw a weird usage of SQL in a Java application.  Apparently whomever had written the code did not understand how to generate a new Entity with Hibernate and retrieve it’s primary key, and created a pkey field on a table that was, sometimes, string + integer. And sometimes just integer. In the test code […]

A Simple PL/SQL Tokenizer

DECLARE   tokenString      VARCHAR2 (256) := ‘Jim,Jerry,Jordan’;   tokenLength      NUMBER := 0;   tokenDelimiter   VARCHAR2 (1) := ‘,’;   tokenChar        VARCHAR2 (1) := ”;   tokenIzed        VARCHAR (30) := ”;BEGIN   SELECT LENGTH (tokenString) INTO tokenLength FROM DUAL;    FOR i IN 1 .. tokenLength   LOOP      SELECT SUBSTR (tokenString, i, 1) INTO tokenChar FROM DUAL;       IF tokenChar = tokenDelimiter OR […]