Updating Eclipse Projects From Java 1.5 to Java 1.6

When you are updating from jdk 1.5 to jdk 1.6 in Eclipse 3.5, make sure you hit all of these  touchpoints: On your machine, install jdk 1.6 and change your environment path variables to point to the 1.6 directories. In Eclipse, Under Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs make sure jdk 1.6 is  added, and select it. In Eclipse, […]

A Wikipedia One Up Isn’t Sufficient For Your Resume

It’s not in the nature of most people, developers even more so with our huge egos, to admit we don’t know something.  But if you have a life outside of your compiler, you know that some things can’t be read about; they have to be experienced. For a while recently at a place called Ingenix […]