Reroute Your Production Static JavaScript To Debug DeMinified

We deploy our javascript code minified and obfuscated to most of our environments.  Only at the localhost level does anyone really see the full form of the code.  Sometimes this creates difficult debug scenarios; environments vary from localhost, to dev, to test, to production.  Fortunately there is a very easy was to reroute the javascript requests on […]

Maven 3 Multithreading

Maven 3 multithreading works very well – as long as your plugins support it!  It’s still in an experimental mode but we are using it on our project to cut our build times in half.  And its much easier to implement than Ant’s parallel thread functionality.    On another project with Ant I multithreaded our build  – […]

Apache HTTP File Compression

Here are the settings I use on an Apache HTTP Server to compress files automatically when served.  Most browsers have the tools internal to decompress the payloads once they get them. Configuration To do automatic file compression for test type files from the Apache HTTP server, in httpd.conf: 1. Uncomment this entry; the file is […]

Don’t Build the Maven Jar

I’m using the maven-assembly-plugin to build a zip for some static content in a maven module. But when I build the whole project I also end up getting a jar file for that module. To avoid this use one of two tricks –  either specify your build as a type “pom” or  tell the jar plugin to […]