A Decent Mockito.verify Example

I always get confused as to when it would be a good time to use verify. I also see verify thrown into tests for no reason at all, except maybe as a practice to remember the syntax. I had written a Spring validation class and a test, and since Errors is an interface and is […]

Spring MVC beat me down with a 404

Before I get started on this, here is the solution I chose for setting up a 404 error trap in a Spring Web MVC (Spring 3.2). It may seem old school, but after hours of research and testing this is what works the best for my application. Solution In web.xml add something like this, you […]

Optional Path Variables in Spring Web MVC

With a Spring Web MVC controller endpoint in Java you cannot have an optional @PathVariable, so you have to do things old school. In my code I wanted a default sorting mechanism, if the caller of my endpoint didn’t put in any sort parameters. The sort (orderBy) parameters are the fields, and the direction of […]

Content Is King

I was looking at the WORLD the other day.  🙂  And thinking about these groups that want a really cool site.  And I realized (after a few retail gigs) that these sites need copywriters — content makers — not more development. You ever run into one of these kind of sites — the start of […]

Implementors Are The Astronauts

So it’s down to the wire.  It’s launch day, your managers were barely able to control the unforeseen circumstances but got a launch window.  The operations crew has all of the release notes and their process, and you the developer are sitting there on site or on the phone, VPN’d in to execute the software […]