What is String * Integer in SQL?

I saw a weird usage of SQL in a Java application.  Apparently whomever had written the code did not understand how to generate a new Entity with Hibernate and retrieve it’s primary key, and created a pkey field on a table that was, sometimes, string + integer. And sometimes just integer. In the test code […]

Debugging Tests With Eclipse and Maven

Here are two techniques for debugging tests for Java Maven applications running Tomcat as you work in Eclipse.  There’s usually a problem with having two processes running — your test and then your production code (Tomcat) in two different processes. These tests are integration style tests that run code against something running in a Tomcat […]

Final Variables in Groovy Curiosity

(On my local I’m running Groovy 2.1.9 on Java/JDK 6). Was having a Discussion of final and static, and decided to try something in groovyConsole.  In the Java world, a final variable cannot be reassigned a value once initialized. Groovy Code: final String i = “test” println i i = “red”println i Output: groovy> final […]