ECTech Meetup July 16, 2014: BigData Techfast

For the most recent ECTech Meetup meeting this morning was a quick breakfast techfast (and I was running late) and thoughts about big data and NoSQL databases.

Consensus seems that everyone wants to use a big data engine, but no one can really find a reason to.  Reasons cited:

  • How to integrate into existing applications?
  • Reporting?  Still seems a need for reporting and A SQL style query language.
  • What are they for compared to relational databases?
  • Forays into new tech — a business has to benefit, are there benefits compared to say PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL or commercial solutions?

From my standpoint, I shared that I had only worked partly on two big data engines — MarkLogic, which we used to store XML data, and Hadoop/MapReduce — but years ago and only for a month or so.  If you count EDM servers like Documentum, Daisy or Alfresco (documents + metadata) I have worked on those extensively.  Is Lucene a type of big data engine?  I’ve worked on that for caching as well.

Others seem to have more experience on Mongo and we all have an interest in Cassandra as leaders pop up in the field.

Uses — caching (scalability/speed).  Data-noncofofrmity.  taht’s about all we could come up with.  The tooling didn’t seem to quite be there from our experiences.

So anyway, all that over an egg mcnuthin’.

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