EC Tech JVM Language Series

There will be a set of hands-on sessions with JVM languages for EC Tech that I will be hosting for this coming season.  What happened was, I was looking up a new TV diet called the GOLO diet when I ran across the GOLO language.  After reading about it, I realized there was a lot of […]

EC Tech Meetup March 1, 2016: Java Concurrency Intro – Layman’s Delight

Obtained a room in downtown Eau Claire over lunch to practice giving presentations (since I don’t do that much anymore) via a Laymen’s Java Concurrency Intro. At a very high level presented threads, concurrency, locks, synchronization and real world analogies to these mechanisms.

EC Tech Meetup February 10, 2016: Java Lambda Workshop

Hands on Java Lambdas with some online tutorials.   Breaking in the new Mac. A general Java code learning session at my work site with a few interested parties who wanted to see some Groovy too and share some Scala/Clojure. Thanks to the Milwaukee Colectivo Coffee suppliers and my workplace!

EC Tech Meetup Oct. 1, 2014 Synopsis: Virtualization for Developers Part 1

It seems to me we are at this strange crossroads again for putting developers in a box, or opening the doors to allow them creative and utensil freedom. I would say nowdays, we are leaning as an industry towards less freedom and more box. That was the feeling I got when I started to delve […]

ECTech Meetup July 16, 2014: BigData Techfast

For the most recent ECTech Meetup meeting this morning was a quick breakfast techfast (and I was running late) and thoughts about big data and NoSQL databases. Consensus seems that everyone wants to use a big data engine, but no one can really find a reason to.  Reasons cited: How to integrate into existing applications? […]

EC Tech Meetup June 4, 2014 – Build Engines And Lessons of Open Source

EC Tech meeting for Build Servers went with a hitch as I tried to get a BigBlueButton server up and going for collaboration. This software is open source meeting/record software, but as with all open source the price to pay is with time and inconvenience. Two things that take a lot of time to do: […]

EC Tech Meetup May 20, 2014 – Was TDD a QA Coup d’etat?

Tonight is the next installment of  *hands on* for our local group.  With brewskies and Crown Royal. There will be testing exercises and some TDD kata, and discussing the efficacy of TDD in coding with today’s modern methodologies. A lot of you have noted there has been a (predictable) backlash against TDD.    My earliest […]