Java Constants – Not In The Interface

Business rules? Hopefully centralized to the One; or life will be short and brutal.

I was working on some code refactoring on a massive codebase when I was faced with the issue of where to put constants for the default values of business rules.  This issue has been a constant subject of design discussion in java since I can remember, and definitely over a decade for myself.  Doing “object” code, you try your hardest to avoid big “global” files.  But sometimes you have to have a central, global location to put constants.  In my case, refactoring the same rule spread out over several classes each containing:

public static final boolean DEFAULT_VALUE = false;

So you can see the problem here — if this definition sits in several classes there’s a chance any change will be missed and you’ll have breakage.  There should be one definition to rule them all.

Now one place you *might* be tempted to drop your constants in is an interface.  I’ve seen this before, but is decidely in my opinion a bad pattern since interfaces are generally used to define relationships to other components and this could be construed the same thing as defining a complete method in an interface.  It was unfortunate, imo, that this had already been done in the code and it’s a good policy to match the patterns — even bad ones — until you can get around to refactoring them out.  I decided to refactor.  And the discussion of where to put Java application constants has been going on fever — for instance in this older  venerable C2 site  article –  interfaces for defining constance –

Some other solutions in the recent codebases I’ve worked on:

  1. property files
  2. enumerations
  3. abstract classes
  4. static classes
  5. depending on the scope – class level

And that is the key  — “what is the scope?”  Global/application/multi-context scope becomes more challenging in design.

In many of the web applications I’ve worked on if we’ve used the constants on the backend, we’d make enumerations or a static class with the constants.  Then if you need to expose them, say to tag libraries or the front end, you can import them or make a service to expose them.  Enumerations lend themselves to this quite well.

The important thing is to get that default centralized if it is a business rule.  Multiple definitions of a default value, or any value, become problematic.  I’ve seen implementations of lists of statuses kept in string constants, enumerations, and a database lookup table all in the same application.

The company paid a lot of money to fix that.

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