Awed and Disgusted

The one pass XSLT, it is the least. A two pass XSLT, now that is a beast. But I would give a silk pajama To never do this three pass drama. We have data that comes in from a SOAP server that is in pretty bad shape.  I have a feeling the team that makes this […]

Opportunities to Learn

Coffee and philosophy, why not? I really miss some of the public areas to have coffee and commiserate with colleagues, since I don’t have that at my site now. If you read that recent article about Stevie Jobs — public areas breed innovation and cross pollination. I try my best. Recently I had two talks […]

JOptionPane Popping Up During Unit Tests

This story is the story of good old fashioned decoupling, and an example of Java’s Bridge and Adapter patterns. My client has had a piece of code that for years, yes years, was popping up a java Swing JOptionPane message dialog during unit tests runs in Eclipse (via a Maven plugin) and Eclipse’s JUnit runner. […]

Making Asynchronous Release Schedules Easy On Your Development Process

Once upon a nightmare a project manager said to me: “I would never let developers work on trunk.” Serious?  It turned out the organization had *redefined* from industry standards the definition of “trunk” — to them it meant “production release.”  Ummmm.  Ok. I explained why the concept of trunk is that it is the most […]

IntelliJ EAP 14 and that darn Mac thing again

I use a commercial version of IntelliJ when I am not using Eclipse (who’s newer Luna release is very, very good).  But doing Grails, I need that version of IntelliJ since community doesn’t cut it or I get relegated to the command line.  I still use my 11 version, as 12 was too glitchy and […]

Spring MVC Truncating Path Variable IP Address

Ran into an interesting Spring MVC convulsion.  If you use a path variable with a “.” in it, then the variable is truncated before it gets into your code via your controller. For instance, say you make a request like: /myapp/machine/ And your spring controller handles it with this: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = “/path/{ipAddress}”) […]

My Current Developer Setup August 2014

I’ve tried my hardest over the years to simplify things, but tools are tools.  A developer’s existence is tools.  When I think about it, sometimes the paradigm is like a good cook where less is more; for instance some people like using 1 IDE for everything — SQL, Java, Javascript.  Although I do cook like that […]

TechPM Stacks On The Developer Scale

I think I’ve finally found the nicest balance of smaller scale support servers since XPlanner.   It’s taken almost 10 years. XPlanner was the old php-based X-treme project manament web tool used almost exclusively by developers (IMHExperience). It had sprints in it, and even pair tracking. You might think management has taken over all the […]

Gitblit Duplicate Repo Bug

Logging this because it was kind of difficult to track down. We have a Gitblit instance running for our developer repository on a Fedora machine. It really is a wonderful tool; up and going practically out of the box. But one of the problems we have been having is that duplicate names for the same […]

Things you just can’t fix no matter what repository you use

I was working with an “expert”. He was working on a major refactor that was going to break several hundred of our tests. Now, probably the best way to do this with ANY repo would be either to branch and make the change, and then do the fixes and merge when it was all good […]