
“Legacy” UI green screens.  They are smokin’ fast.

I do a lot of things from the command line.  It’s just faster.  Some things, like a GUI view of a Git checkin help quite a bit.  But as a Java developer living in a server and configuration world there is nothing better than a good text interface.


First, the good old Lynx text browser.  Yes, you need this.  Sometimes you want to test CSS degradability or usability.  Sometimes curl or wget just don’t cut it.  Sometimes you need a wow factor.

Now this is super cool.  I used it on a Linux box cut off from all things civilized.  The Alpine text email client.  Just like the old days of mail -f, but with this really slick interface.  If you ever use it, all of your wildest  “why?”‘s will be answered.

Check this out — some people I know are using a Java Text GUI called Lanterna.  I checked it out, it’s not bad.  Kind of looks like Turbo Pascal.

You are facing east, there is a compiler to your left.

Maybe this isn’t “so” text-ui, but a Groovy Console gives you a great minimum way of testing code snippets.  It’s a little quicker than my usual set-up-a-temp-unit-test.


And then there’s the ASCII Art.  I noticed an upswing in it’s usage with some tools I had been involved with recently.  Like this Groovy enVironment Manager tool.

Or maybe you are working on a Hoodie stack?


Some even go waaaaay far . . . . like this old classic:

Getting rid of unneeded information and features isn’t a new thing at all.  For instance, a lot of XML is being jettisoned because of the size of the files/requirements of the markup; UIs though feature-laden are being stripped down or minimally have the option to be.  Even single use hardware like tiny Roku and Amazon tv devices, full computers in and of themselves (this Fire Stick has 1 GB of ram and a dual core processor and does one thing — make streaming TV available).

I am all for the greenscreens!

Those Brackets Really Matter in a Groovy Switch!

I’ve been working on a data detector plugin for Grails as a side project, and thought it important to mention the importance of including brackets {} for logic statements in groovy switches.

Below I have a simple detector for a simple DataType enum that has STRING and DECIMAL (which in my real code is BigDecimal)  types.

public enum DataType { STRING, DECIMAL }

Is you leave the {} from around NumberUtils.isNumber — everything comes back STRING!  So make sure you include them even for a one-step logic decision:

public static DataType detectTypeFromString(String data) {
        switch (data) {
            case { NumberUtils.isNumber(data) }:
                return DataType.DECIMAL
                return DataType.STRING

Of course it makes a lot more sense if you have a compound statement. Here, a number is defined from a string as 0 or any number that doesn’t start with 0 because it would be an identifier:

public static DataType detectTypeFromString(String data) {
        switch (data) {
            case { data?.equals('0') || (!data?.startsWith('0') 
&& NumberUtils.isNumber(data)) }:
                return DataType.DECIMAL
                return DataType.STRING

So I make sure I am careful about the syntax, especially groovy where tiny little syntax characters make a big difference!

Deprecating a Java Enum Entry

Ran across this interesting tidbit about java enumerations: you can deprecate an entry. Although you’ll have to be careful if you have data tied to any legacy entries, in which case you are stuck with the entry or you’d have to do a data conversion if you decided to remove an entry.

Let’s say you have a Currency name enumeration and you want to get rid of nickels, you could deprecate nickels with the @Deprecated annotation until you have time to update everything to the new specs:

public enum Currency {



CurrencyType deprecatedNickel = CurrencyType.NICKEL;

Setting the Server TimeZone in a Grails Application

If you want to start up your grails server in a different timezone (for instance to test your client as if it were not co-located in the same zone as the server) just add this to BootStrap.groovy:


Agile; We’ve Gotten What We Can From It. Time To Move On.

Delicious snake oil. LEAN and healthy.

I think finally the outrage against the manipulation of Agile methodology is coming to full head.

Years ago in discussions with colleagues we came to the conclusion that Agile had a built in flaw:  it allows people to manipulate the software management process for their own goals, and since everyone does not have the same goals, this creates conflict and in the end a bad product.

You can take note from this article by Erik Meijer: AGILE must be destroyed, once and for all.  This kind of angst is showing up everywhere:  let us just develop software, dammit, and stop micromanaging us.

Now certainly I understand that management needs a way to measure it’s field hands to assess productivity.  I get it.  I understand there have to be measures in place to assess risk and holes in software’s security, code stability, defect management and the like.  Agile has created a systemic problem whereby all this get’s bypassed.  How?

  1. Agile management tools are picked to accommodate management, not software building.  The people who *buy* Agile are not the one’s subjected to it.  For instance, who decides whether to use Rally, Version one — heck even Git vs. Subversion?  rarely if ever a developer or even a 50% developing architect.  It’s almost always a manager, who is so far removed from the actual build process, who usually has less than a year of development under their belt and has been weeded out into management.  The tools have become so invasive to daily software making they are in the way.  One thing I hate is that it’s become so micromanaging that even style is part of the code checkin now.  You can say this matters (for python), but a tool eating up CPUs to see if I tabbed or spaced is a bunch of BS.  it doesn’t add to the supportability.
  2. The open/communication aspect of Agile accommodates verbal people, but most engineers are spacial.  This means that in a world of constant scrums, reports, and social media that people who spend their time talking and writing get deference over people actually making the software.  Agile allows the complainers to get what they want.
  3. Agile has created a booming industry for people who are snake oil salesmen.  So much money is being wasted on “evangelists” and speakers saying feel-good “yeah, I get it!!” talks.  Then are hired to parachute in with their Agile/Lean/Whatever methodology.  And you know what happens?  Same thing that happened to waterfall before.  The snake oil genies spend their time trying to make their system fit a business in order to sell it, laying on yet more layers of cruft in what might be an already unnavigable project management methodology.
  4. Agile has de-individualized contributions, lessened innovation all while creating more paths of stupid accountability.  You can have a manager turn on all the metrics: Sonar, Cobetura, security checks, process, style checks.  All off line from the developer’s building efforts.  But in the end even after that the manager blames developers for anything that went wrong.  If a mangers are finding ways as to not be accountable, and are looking for tools to offload their responsibility then this is a culture that then pervades the entire industry.  The less developers willingly take on responsibility, the less they will want to solve the problems that can safen that responsibility, the less they will be innovative.
  5. Agile tools were created to collect objective information but are now wielded by management against developers. When I first saw a scrum tool, I thought to myself: this will be used to measure and micromanage developers and rate them.  And now it has, but, it fails because you can’t measure intangibles.  For instance a person completing 15 easy tasks vs. a person doing a really difficult code task in many tools looks like a 15 to 1 score.  Some places even still use lines of code or checkin numbers to measure a “developer’s productivity.”  The intial creation of Agile management tools was so we, as developers, could improve of our own volition.  Sonar to decrease errors, SWAG estimates to measure and make our estimates better in the future.  Estimates are abused constantly; and you will now always see over estimation to protect developer’s behinds.

There are things that I like about the industry.  I like a lot of the testing, as long as it is used sanely.  I like the continuous integration engines.  I like some of the documentation things about projects in the new tools.  But I am not sure we are writing software any better or faster than a decade or two before.

One thing that burns me is the lack of objectivity in the industry and the winning by the “verbal” people to use religious and orthodox arguments to get to their goals.  This is . . . political.  Which means objectivity is out the door.  A great Ted Talk video explains how this happens in what is the holy grail of objectivity, the scientific method:

If objectivity has been removed from the process because the goal, good software, is put on the back burner so that political achievement can be obtained, well then, this is a weak methodology.  And software developers are no where near as objective as scientists try to be.  This kind of fundamental flaw pervades the processes of management, development, and testing.

Finally, so you sit down and make all these complaints.  And still, still, the biggest gap in all of this is that requirements gathering is *still* the number one complaint of all projects I am on.  Developers invented CI and analytic tools to make things better, but we haven’t seen a breakthrough in design and requirements gathering.

And that is interesting.  If Agile isn’t accommodating the processes of innovation, design, and requirements gathering then it isn’t accommodating its simply stated goals:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Personally, I’ve never bought into that utopic mantra.  I guess the manifestation of it’s failure is at hand.  Though, at least it was tried and allow to fail and we have gathered a lot of great learning and experience from trying.

Western Wisconsin Groovy Grails Group Kickoff

Just a note that the kickoff greeting meeting for the new Western Wisconsin Groovy Grails Group went without a hitch.

I will probably expand this out into a separate Meetup, to separate it from the EC Tech meetup which is hands on focused. It’s been difficult recently to find time to do this with massive family happenings, but will just keep the course.

See you all at the next meeting!

Configuring IntelliJ 14 On OSX 10.9 To Run With Java 7

I just did an install of IntelliJ 14 on my development Mac running OSX 10.9 (Mavericks).

When I started the IDE it erred “you need to install Java SE 6.”

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 3.57.05 PM

That was hard to believe.  I had 7 installed.  IntelliJ is reporting the version it needs to run itself, even though the applications you are developing wouldn’t have to be 6.  Personally I thought this nuts as most places are sunsetting Java 6.

The solution is go to Applications->IntelliJ IDEA>show package contents.  Edit Info.plist and change “1.6” to “1.7”:

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 4.01.45 PM

Now it runs on 7.

Convert A Pre-Existing Non-Project To A Maven/Eclipse Project

So, you have a directory with a java class in it, and you want to use your IDE on it.  What do you do?  You can’t just open it up as a project without a little bit of work.  IntelliJ can do it from the GUI, but with Eclipse and Maven you have to do a bit more work.  Also, if this directory is already checked in you’ll want to preserve

Add a simple pom:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Then add a project folder structure like this:

Now you have something you can import as a Maven project into many IDE’s.  If you are already checked into Git before this, then just move your source files under main/java/whatever path and check that move in.

Case Sensitivity, Windows, Linux and Git

“It’s a Madhouse” for $200, Chuck.

This is a strange one . . .

Most of our development for a services project is done on Windows. Java, Spring, Hibernate, Drools, JAX-WS. I was integrating some more service calls and refactored the names of a few classes from (something like):


Sounds pretty simple, right? Checked it into Git running ff a Stash server, and everything was building fine. We did not however have a Hudson build running off this particular branch to check it for sure, but still, we were all good.

Along comes a developer working on Linux. He checks out the code and BAM it breaks. Spring is complaining, need unique service names. Now way! I check out the code on my own Linux instance, and the build fails. Looking in the code I see this in the Linux version of the project’s services directory AND I see this out in Stash:

No kidding! Going back to my Windows machine I do a fresh clone, and look in that same directory. What do you think I see?

LOL! No sign of the upper case classes!  It builds too.

My solution — I go back to Linux, delete the CALL files, check that in. Now Linux builds fine, but guess what? Back on Windows, I do a few “git gc” cleanup calls and it keeps wanting to delete the Call files I want to keep; gosh. Do I need to re-add, again?  Ugh.   Instead I do another git pull –rebase, and on Windows, finally, it’s all good, on Linux it’s all good, and Stash is all good.

Side note: I also got the old “LF will be replaced by CRLF when operating on some files.” errors from git on some operations.  I noticed quite a few files were being checked in as ISO-8559  from the Linux developers, and I  set myself up as UTF-8 on Windows to mesh with them in the first place!  It’s a madhouse!  Won’t get into it today, but it made for some interesting editor experiences.


I tried spiking this out through a GitBlit I had running on my Linux machine.  I made a project, checked it out, did some case-sensitivity-changes in Windows.  But I never saw this error on the Linux machine after checking them in.  I stopped there, and don’t want to mess with Stash anymore.  I remember Gitblit has problems with cache cleaning and showing multiple project views of the same project, but this was different.

Windows is notirious for being not-case-sensitive, and Linux is.  I am guessing, somewhere, I made the case changes and checked them in but a disconnect happend with the Stash server that saw the changes as new files.  On SVN a rename = add + delete. That makes it problematic when the sysadmins are messing with permissions and preventing deletes.  Maybe our sysadmins stopped my delte permissions for a day.   Then during this operation the add was executed, but not the drop — and a Linux Stash server certainly could have seen the case changes as new files.

During checkout, Windows sees the files as the same.  And some hocus pocus writes over the old names.  But Linux was never fooled for a second.

I don’t know.  I found the problem, I fixed it. In the industry sometimes I can’t spend three days figuring out something.  I note it, throw it in the team wiki, make a blog post and move on.

EC Tech Meetup October 29, 2014: Hoodie Framework and PITA Setups

I was hesitant about doing the Hoodie work session because plastered all over its site are statements like the above.  But I decided to go forward with it — it was only 1.5 hours to start.  That 1.5 hours turned into about 4 hours total.

None of this is simple.  That’s what Hoodie reminded me.  I spend a lot of my developer time patching together libraries and probably incompatible technologies — it’s one of the existences of developing. Most systems, it’s very difficult to show up onsite and just start coding.

No Backend?

Hoodie is a web app stack that *claims* to be “no backend”  — where there is no need for any backend developers.  Having been a developer for over 20 years, and reading the site mantra –“front end developers making a full stack.”  Well . .  a full stack also encompasses the back end.  I think what they are getting at is a more automated  back end. But you still need data storage, you still need clockworks for SFTP widgets, you still need batch engines and jobs, you still need email engines and api’s for your service buses.  Hoodie uses CouchDB . . . that’s not exactly front end.  So honestly, I am throwing out this idea of “no backend.” There can be less backend, and maybe a world with no coding altogether?  Some of the people on Hoodie’s site claim not to be coders but can make applications.  Sigh.

The Backend Installation

Installation of Hoodie turned out to be a pain-in-the-astroturf on all platforms. Windows 7, OS X and Fedora 20.  I blew all my my EC Tech time trying to get CouchDB running on Windows.   That’s very backend.  When I finally got it running in a VirtualBox image of Fedora20 — I had to wait almost an hour on a very fast network for Hoodie to install on top of it’s prerequisites — Git, CouchDB, and NodeJS, and NPM.  And once you issue “npm install -g hoodie-cli” on Fedora, you wait for a long time while it pulls down every imaginable JavaScript library in the universe.

Science! Er, I mean, what is the *real* meaning of Hoodie?

During this package install I think I saw go by . . . backbone, angular, marionette, handlebar and underscore for starters.  If you want to know you can dig out in their git hub  at

Which brings me to a curious question.

In this paradigm, isn’t Hoodie technically the “backend” developers using JavaScript tools for “front-end” developers who use their api’s?


The Experience

Here is a list of some of the interesting experiences I had during installation:

  • Windows (at least my installation) couldn’t install CouchDB very easily at all.
  • Hoodie’s site claimations: this isn’t done, that isn’t done.  So is early adaptation good way to go?  My feeling, dealing with code generators a lot, is down the road it will bite you.   If someone’s passion is this kind of thing then it’s worth it; for me, the single-delve was enough.
  • I had a LOT of timeouts trying to get Hoodie into my setup.
  • Git ports needed to be opened: port 443 – https://  and 9418 – git://
  • It’s NPM not RPM. Although on Fedora I used an rpm with YUM for one of the steps.
  • VMWare and VirtualBox on Linux:  kernal settings, virtual setting in bios — all became a PITA.  VirtualBox doesn’t even list Fedora 19/20 as supported on their site. Wow.
  • The time it took after all the prerequisites were installed was massive for me on Fedora 20. I think I watched an episode of SOA during the install and it still wasn’t done.
  • I have a master list of techo-insults and web surfs trying to get around each tiny problem I won’t list here. Was . . . painful.

Fedora 19 has been out since July 2, 2013 and still isn’t supported by VirtualBox?

Humorously, the topic of choosing public networks wisely has come up often in the last few weeks among my colleagues.  CHOOSE YOUR SITE WISELY!  Oh and that 4G tethering — OK for texts sites, but it’s still slow. One time I went into a Starbucks with a new project I downloaded and a single issuance of mvn clean install -U cost me an extra coffee.  Download times in many public networks suck, so choose wisely you meeting site or come prepared.

Choose your public networks wisely, young Skywalker.

My general feeling was, though, that CouchDB had a tendency to need security dinking and the Hoodie downloads themselves took forever. I finally got the application up and going and, well, was not impressed.  It would need a LOT of coding.  The promise of out-of-the-box and no backend developers needed is, in my opinion, not quite addressed by this platform.  I’ll revisit it in a few months.

Last Thoughts

As far as Hoodie goes, even in its cursory stages, the mission and the technology probably will never meet my needs.  Later on in EC Tech  we are looking at the viable MEAN stack and I can code Grails, I have almost no need for Hoodie. Looking at what they’ve done, I am not sure what kind of business it could address but there didn’t seem to be an easy place to drop in rule-based coding and specific, specialized domains. This is a huge problem.

Hoodie is full of stuff. If you want to use it, you will have to become good at CouchDB, NodeJS and whatever JavaScript libraries they are using.  Keep this in mind.  You are just getting their “paste” — as if (in Java) someone did all the Spring configs and you would have to live with them.  In my experience this creates more meta-problems to deal with, rather than code.  The cusom route might be the best way to go for your UI in this case.

Is it enterprise? What about using a domain/data expert for design?  My feeling is . . .scalability issues, swapping databses etc. — all that would be a problem. Maybe in the future they will change that.

For the hands on sessions of Eau Claire Tech Meetup, I will do some prep work and create a VirtualBox setup I can give to someone if they need it.  These are usually too large though to continually host somewhere, and not worth making public right now.  I *could* make a Vagrant recipe available but that involves having Vagrant, Chef, and VirtualBox installed prior to coming in for the hands on.  That’s a lot of prep, to do more prep , to get the prep out of the way.

Finally, being a developer IS doing configuration work.  The point of the EC Tech hands-on’s is to take the time out to do that and be around others, like a practice.  A lot of my professional work is struggle with problemsome frameworks, poor documentation, and square peg-round hole solutions.  That’s what it is.  Time spent debugging any problem is well worth it; especially since I have not yet seen a out of the box framework do exactly what it says it would and we would ditch it for bare bones.