EJB vs. The World — Why Bother with EJB At All?

I’ve been slogging my way through some testing frameworks for EJB: The Grinder, Cactus and JMeter — trying to find that quick Soap UI style entry into testing EJB.  No such luck.  This will take some work.

So, I decided to remind myself just why we ere doing EJB in this application.   I bolded the main points.  Maybe we can make an acronym . . . .

A simple explanation from DevGuru:

Some of the things that EJBs enable you to do that servlets/JSPs do not are:

  • Declaritively manage transactions. In EJB, you merely specify whether a bean’s methods require, disallow, or can be used in the context of a transaction. The EJB container will manage your transaction boundaries appropriately. In a purely servlet architecture, you’ll have to write code to manage the transaction, which is difficult if a logical transaction must access multiple datasources.
  • Declaritively manage security. The EJB model allows you to indicate a security role that the user must be assigned to in order to invoke a method on a bean. In Servlets/JSPs you must write code to do this. Note, however that the security model in EJB is sufficient for only 90% to 95% of application code – there are always security scenarios that require reference to values of an entity, etc.

A very thorough answer from Stack Overflow:

  1. using/Sharing Logic across multiple applications/clients with Loose Coupling.
    EJBs can be packaged in their own jars, deployed, and invoked from lots of places. They are common components. True, POJOs can be (carefully!) designed as libraries and packaged as jars. But EJBs support both local and remote network access – including via local java interface, transparent RMI, JMS async message and SOAP/REST web service, saving from cut-and-paste jar dependencies with multiple (inconsistent?) deployments.
    They are very useful for creating SOA services. When used for local access they are POJOs (with free container services added). The act of designing a separate EJB layer promotes extra care for maximising encapsulation, loose coupling and cohesion, and promotes a clean interface (Facade), shielding callers from complex processing & data models.
  2. Scalability and Reliability If you apply a massive number of requests from various calling messages/processes /threads, they are distributed across the available EJB instances in the pool first and then queued. This means that if the number of incoming requests per second is greater than the server can handle, we degrade gracefully – there are always some requests being processed efficiently and the excess requests are made to wait. We don’t reach server “meltdown” – where ALL requests experience terrible response time simultaneously, plus the server tries to access more resources than the hardware & OS can handle & hence crashes. EJBs can be deployed on separate tier that can be clustered – this gives reliability via failover from one server to another, plus hardware can be added to scale linearly.
  3. Concurrency Management. The container ensures that EJB instances are automatically accessed safely (serially) by multiple clients. The container manages the EJB pool, the thread pool, the invocation queue, and automatically carries out method-level write locking (default) or read locking (through @Lock(READ)). This protects data from corruption through concurrent write-write clashes, and helps data to be read consistently by preventing read-write clashes.
    This is mainly useful for @Singleton session beans, where the bean is manipulating and sharing common state across client callers. This can be easily over-ridden to manually configure or programatically control advanced scenarios for concurrent code execution and data access.
  4. Automated transaction handling.
    Do nothing at all and all your EJB methods are run in a JTA transaction. If you access a database using JPA or JDBC it is automatically enlisted in the transaction. Same for JMS and JCA invocations. Specify @TransactionAttribute(someTransactionMode) before a method to specify if/how that particular method partakes in the JTA transaction, overriding default mode: “Required”.
  5. Very simple resource/dependency access via injection.
    The container will lookup resources and set resource references as instance fields in the EJB: such as JNDI stored JDBC connections, JMS connections/topics/queues, other EJBs, JTA Transactions, JPA entity manager persistence contexts, JPA entity manager factory persistence units, and JCA adaptor resources. e.g. to setup a reference to another EJB & a JTA Transaction & a JPA entity Manager & a JMS connection factory and queue:

    public class MyAccountsBean {
        @EJB SomeOtherBeanClass someOtherBean;
        @Resource UserTransaction jtaTx;
        @PersistenceContext(unitName="AccountsPU") EntityManager em;
        @Resource QueueConnectionFactory accountsJMSfactory;
        @Resource Queue accountPaymentDestinationQueue;
        public List<Account> processAccounts(DepartmentId id) {
            // Use all of above instance variables with no additional setup.
            // They automatically partake in a (server coordinated) JTA transaction

    A Servlet can call this bean locally, by simply declaring an instance variable:

    @EJB MyAccountsBean accountsBean;    

    and then just calling its’ methods as desired.

  6. Smart interaction with JPA. By default, the EntityManager injected as above uses a transaction-scoped persistence context. This is perfect for stateless session beans. When a (stateless) EJB method is called, a new persistence context is created within the new transaction, all entity object instances retrieved/written to the DB are visible only within that method call and are isolated from other methods. But if other stateless EJBs are called by the method, the container propagates and shares the same PC to them, so same entities are automatically shared in a consistent way through the PC in the same transaction.
    If a @Stateful session bean is declared, equal smart affinity with JPA is achieved by declaring the entityManager to be an extended scope one: @PersistentContent(unitName=”AccountsPU, type=EXTENDED). This exists for the life of the bean session, across multiple bean calls and transactions, caching in-memory copies of DB entities previously retrieved/written so they do not need to be re-retrieved.
  7. Life-Cycle Management. The lifecycle of EJBs is container managed. As required, it creates EJB instances, clears and initialises stateful session bean state, passivates & activates, and calls lifecycle callback methods, so EJB code can participate in lifecycle operations to acquire and release resources, or perform other initialization and shutdown behavior. It also captures all exceptions, logs them, rolls back transactions as required, and throws new EJB exceptions or @ApplicationExceptions as required.
  8. Security Management. Role-based access control to EJBs can be configured via a simple annotation or XML setting. The server automatically passes the authenticed user details along with each call as security context (the calling principal and role). It ensures that all RBAC rules are automatically enforced so that methods cannot be illegally called by the wrong role. It allows EJBs to easily access user/role details for extra programmatic checking. It allows plugging in extra security processing (or even IAM tools) to the container in a standard way.
  9. Standardisation & Portability. EJB implementations conform to Java EE standards and coding conventions, promoting quality and ease of understanding and maintenance. It also promotes portability of code to new vendor app servers, by ensuring they all support the same standard features and behaviours, and by discouraging developers from accidentally adopting proprietary
    non-portable vendor features.
  10. The Real Kicker: Simplicity. All of the above can be done with very streamlined code – either using default settings for EJBs within Java EE 6, or adding a few annotations. Coding enterprise/industrial strength features in your own POJOs would be way more volumous, complex and error-prone. Once you start coding with EJBs, they are rather easy to develop and give a great set of “free ride” benefits.

OK not so sure about “simplicity.”

Hero Time!


I’m Comin’, Maw! I’ll save yer application!

When I start to look at the cost of leaving quality to the wayside I’m reminded of an experience I had with a coder, Big Hero.

Now back when I was a *high school athlete* in American football our coach coined a term: dummy hero.  Football has a practice fixture called a scout team — the group that practices against the starters to help the starters get ready for a game.   A dummy hero is on the scout team, and pretends they do not know the play that is being practiced, but as everyone they actually do; everyone does because its repetitious practice.  But instead of playing it straight,  the dummy hero would make a heroic effort and come up with an interception or run a touchdown even though the point of the exercise was to have the starters practice.  They interfered with practice to make themselves look good.

Big Hero types are dummy heroes.  In their case they break things and fix them in the nick of time.  They could pay attention to quality, but do not; writing off deliberate, methodology for the thrill of late night release parties.  And chances to be a hero.

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Awed and Disgusted

The one pass XSLT, it is the least.
A two pass XSLT, now that is a beast.
But I would give a silk pajama
To never do this three pass drama.

We have data that comes in from a SOAP server that is in pretty bad shape.  I have a feeling the team that makes this is using a direct Oracle utility to pump it out of the database so as not to have to do any cleaning up or development.  Most of the non-alpha/numeric characters are replaced by codes, like this:

&lt;BATCH xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” batchid=”EnterpriseTransaction” version=”2.0″ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”config/xsd/DataReplication/2.0/DataReplication.xsd”&gt;
&lt;TABLE name=”TR_TRN”&gt;
&lt;COLUMN name=” …


One of the teams wrote a two xsl sheets to tranform this nasty xml data — and is used during our web client’s consuming of this data.  But sometimes we want to transform it outside of the program to use it for integration tests or just look at the data for errors.  Most of the developers use the transform tool built  into Eclipse, and I have been using a java gui called jSimpleX.    But this being a TWO PASS xslt process, its a pain in the ass.  And, the last output is unformatted into a single line, all the carriage returns stripped out.  So I have to go to an online tool like FreeFormatter to finish the task — making this a THREE PASS transformation.

I decided to automate this a bit.  I looked for some command line tools to batch something out.

First I ran across the old tried and true Windows msxsl.exe.  It worked ok on the first pass — but unbelievably, crazily, choked on UTF-8 data.  A serious WTF moment.

The good old xalan. I stopped this very quickly — trying to integrate it into a “simple” java or groovy script.  Operative word being simple.  And not having a lot of time from the pm’s to do this, and running into xalan’s poor documentation and need for tons of dependencies I dumped it.

Wow is this really that hard?

So I tried Groovy — I have a lot of experience with the slurper objects.  But . . .. . of course my data exceeded the 65536 string max length.

Then there was Ant and it worked OK.  Just OK —

Finally, I tried a tool called xmlstarlet.   Bingo.  Would do transforms AND formatting.

Why are the tools to handle XML so lacking these days — when lots of Big Data tools like MarkLogic and BaseX use XML; and SOAP isn’t dead because of it’s capability to do ACID transactions? 

My batch file calls with xmlstarlet look like this:

xml tr phase1.xsl %TEMPFILE%.xml > %TEMPFILE%_phase1.xml
xml tr phase2.xsl %TEMPFILE%_phase1.xml > %TEMPFILE%_phase2.xml
xml fo %TEMPFILE%_phase2.xml > %TEMPFILE%_formatted.xml

So here I have the two transforms, with a format at the end. Super slick.

I had to write a little command interface for file input after that.  Needed a refresher — so went looking.  And ran into a Stack Overflow page that pretty much sums up my feelings on doing this part of the task.  Awed and disgusted.

Opportunities to Learn

Coffee and philosophy, why not? I really miss some of the public areas to have coffee and commiserate with colleagues, since I don’t have that at my site now. If you read that recent article about Stevie Jobs — public areas breed innovation and cross pollination. I try my best.

Recently I had two talks with colleagues; the two whom sit more on the side of operations/support/development vs. myself — as I consider myself a pure developer. And two discussions ensued.

Quality Is Practice

First, pointing out that there was very little test coverage in a code base I was working on; the lack of tests had caused repeated failures in code releases because new code would break old code. What about Sonar? And Tools? Fine and dandy but —
“quality and testing are PRACTICE, not tools.” To that statement I got an “I suppose” and disbelieve. The two do not write tests for their code.

Quality Is Persistent Discipline

Second, I was asked about my development environment — java and maven questions in specificity. Having went through the effin setup grinder with development environments for over 20 years, I told the colleague how I st up. A directory with all my jdks, mavens, servers, and ides. I zip up/back up my IDE setups and everything is portable/configurable with environment variable. Even at home (and working on this in the EC Tech Meetup) I use virtual images to set up development setups.

“Time consuming.” He said. I couldn’t believe he used the network nerd installed images/JRE for DEVELOPMENT? I had worked with him before and remember always being at his desk . . .

You have to be persistently disciplined to code. In Java, over half the stuff is configuration — if you can’t repeatedly set up your environment from scratch it you WILL get burned when those network image folks roll out a security patch and wipe your environment or registry. It’ll happen.

In the late 90s I purchased a notebook computer jsut for that thing. Frequently onsite you’d be waiting a month to get set up –unproductive.

Every Challenge is a Chance To Learn

Recently I have had these following things thrown onto my plate:
-Scalable configurations
-Application security
-Code Quality

These popped up out of nowhere as issues. But, well, I don’t get to directly work on them at work so I do it in my off time. The most fascinating thing I am doing now with my work on virtualizing development environments is to do security code scans with open source software like LAPSE+. This well become more prevalent in our near future. And writing faster applications with canned stacks — faster prototype to enterprise.

If you are in a meeting and something that doesn’t involve you directly perks your interest, pursue it right now and learn something. Just spike it out. The hands on EC Meetups are all about that. Function and practice.

Test Coverage for a Void Method

I ran across some state code that had plugs in it that were operations an action listener would look for.  The code methods didn’t have anything in them, but needed to be there.  I wanted some simple unit testing coverage on them.  Here’s a small technique to cover a void method that doesn’t do too much.

Here’s the code to be tested. Notice I made 2 methods for my tests, one throws an error. I’ve included to ways of testing for errors in the attached repository code.

public class TestClassImpl implements TestClass {
   public void methodNoError() {}
   public void methodError() {throw new RuntimeException();}	


To test methodNoError, we just use a Boolean and flag it if there is an error, and assert that variable. The other two tets are separate ways to check methodError() which actually throws an error.

public void testMethodNoError() {	
   Boolean testState = true;	
   try {	
   } catch (Exception e) {
      testState = false;
public void testMethodError() {	
   Boolean testState = true;
   try {	
   } catch (Exception e) {
      testState = false;
@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void testMethodErrorExpected() {testClass.methodError();}


You can try this out with the TestVoid project folder in my Bitbucket; just run “mvn clean install” or load it into your IDE.


“QA Will Find Them” — Or The Story Of Cowboy Coders And Non-Collaboration

I was on a project with a very tough defect assigned to me.  The main class consisted of 1600 lines with zeee-ro unit tests, and a McAbe index of 67.  I had found numerical/scale/precision errors in some of the underlying classes and knew the source data had fields that were not necessarily being used for what the columns were named to be.  The effort to fix would involve collaboration with the business and some of the coders who authored this beauty — as I could see from their names in the repository.The content you are trying to access is only available to members. Sorry.

EC Tech Meetup Oct. 1, 2014 Synopsis: Virtualization for Developers Part 1

It seems to me we are at this strange crossroads again for putting developers in a box, or opening the doors to allow them creative and utensil freedom. I would say nowdays, we are leaning as an industry towards less freedom and more box.

That was the feeling I got when I started to delve into Vagrant. That my control over even what text editor I use will be taken away.

For this session I went into:

  • VMWare
  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant

VMWare and VirtualBox run images of operating systems in their own container in your installed OS.  Vagrant is a command line OS-instance manager that manages your virtualization machine — i.e. VMWare or VirtualBox.  I ttries to give you chef-like control over setting up systems.  I spent most of my time in Vagrant because I already know how to set up VMware and VirtualBox images.

Here are a few off-the-top things I noticed about dong development virtualized:

Admin Rights Needed

To use Vagrant you need to have either VMWare or VirtualBox installed. I have had both for a while. These installations are not trivial, they require admin access and restarts. So, in this world where developers are not admins over their computers we already have a strike against virtualization for developers.  Installing, let alone updating, would be a pain unless we beg permission from people who have no idea what it is we do — network controllers, managemnet who more often than not do not have development backgrounds.

Portability of Base Applications

I rarely ever get admin rights on my box anymore, and configure my Java environments to be as completely portable as possible (meaning alos I have to do a custom extract of the jdk so I can have more than one version).  Thank goodness Eclipse is unzippable.  Configured with environment variables.  I guess if you are a .Net coder, or work on a Mac, or need OS integrated tools like TortoiseGit you are SOL.

VirtualBox *does* have a portable version.  VMWare — not.  And I was quite surprised that Vagrant did not — for Windows it comes in an MSI?  Maybe there’s a way around this but I didn’t have time to look.


The image sizes are pretty big. I downloaded Fedora 20 and Ubuntu 14 for all, and we are talking about 800-1500 MBs per image.  That’s without developer stuff installed.  Not, in my opinion, light weight.


If you are going to use a virtualized system as a network server, well, the networking setup can be a pain as well.  The installation for VMWare is very machine specific and puts network device entries into your system.  I would have to say this seems less secure and more likely to be exploited.  More doors, more chances for entry.

The Glitch

No matter what I used (on an i7 notebook with 8 gbs ram and a SSHD) the parasitic OSs always seemed not quite . . . fluid.  Latency.  This would derfinitely come in play for each iteration of a Dell computer at a work place; the desktop services people would go nuts debugging problems.

SSH to

I found that in-depth knowledge of networking is needed for these kind of setups.  Vagrant doesn’t lend itself to easy UI — so I’d pick the other two for a developer over it unless only needing a server.  I think that Vagrant images can be run independently by the other two, instead of the “vagrant up” command.

Overall impressions

I don’t think these systems are quite there yet; they are difficult to set up and machine dependent.  Also, having worked with developers — especially the Linux types — customization is more likely.  Trying to force developers into a single image of IDE/text editor/tools is insane.

What seems better is making a zipped distro of say Eclipse, with all the plugins etc. needed.  This goes on now.  Since most setups are one-offs, time to set up a custom computer takes no more time than an image deployment and time lost due to host os machines hardware/os updates.   Maintenance over time could be a pain.

Also — how much of the development environment should become part of the application?  The old Java mantra — develop once, run anywhere.  Well I have been on projects where the style and setup of the IDE is so strict that it is part of the code.  Formatting for instance (which can make sense, maybe, for check in comparisons).  But even Vagrant says “checkin the config with your code.”

Vagrant tries to address the problems of updates, and I would like to think that it points to some of the future.  Already I keep different development environments for each project.  Vagrant could let you do that, and do updates with script much like Amazon servers.

My worries around this process though again are the ancillary effects of having non-developers decide what goes into some centralized development image.  Java projects can get really, really complex — several network sources (JDBC, SOAP, JSON, RMI, JMX  etc.) and one slight change in that invalidates the image right away.  Honestly — how good is your team at maintaining its wiki and development images?  Mot places I’ve been aren’t because they run at breakneck speed.

I have tried to use image appliances in the past for development.  Spin up a Jenkins/Nexus/Git server.  Keep a dev environment in an ISO.  But the operating systems are all getting larger, so is the solution really to put an OS that needs an entire machine’s hardware on top of another OS?  If you could develop on Puppy or any iteration of Damn Small Linux, maybe not.   But let’s face it, this won’t happen.

I don’t see this route to virtualization happening quite yet, not until the host OS is so slimmed down that its’ become something like GRUB.  For many of my java projects, even with Maven, I’ve noticed a fatification of a lot of setup so maybe we won’t get their yet.

Still, there are some good ideas.  Scripting images (chef or whatever), portable environments.  I am still chewing over the idea that the dev environment is part of the code/production itself.  It’s a very good idea just not sure how it should be manifest because I’ve been on that bad end of that too.

Also, the idea of Vagrant is a good idea much like yum (etc.) — command line updating and configuration.  Then it can be scripted.  I think the best option now would be managing configs with Vagrant, whilst using VMWare/VirtualBox to directly run the image after that to get easy access to the UI.

Next meeting we will go into this a bit more, hands on.

By the way, part of the intention of doing the virtualizations is as prep for making portable development environments for our upcoming stack development sessions.  I will most likely be using a Fedora/Gnome image on VMWare Desktop for myself going forward.

JOptionPane Popping Up During Unit Tests

This story is the story of good old fashioned decoupling, and an example of Java’s Bridge and Adapter patterns.

My client has had a piece of code that for years, yes years, was popping up a java Swing JOptionPane message dialog during unit tests runs in Eclipse (via a Maven plugin) and Eclipse’s JUnit runner.  The surprising thing is that all the developers would tolerate this . . . and all the developers would run their builds inside of Eclipse.

The codebase sits on SVN, and I’ve been running git-svn infront of it and using the command line quite a bit.  My builds have all been terminal-based Maven or a build script also run from the terminal. For whatever reason I couldn’t pin down — maybe a global suppress warnings — I wasn’t getting the dialogs.  But I *was* aware of the problem because I make sure my stuff runs in Eclipse as well. So I logged it in my Kanboard database and came back to it.

The solution was a bit simple, just bury JOptionPane in another interface layer.   I had thought about it, then researched soloutions regarding Swing component testing (seriously how many fat clients do we Java people write these days?).  Lot’s of static methods and I haven’t finished dropping in PowerMock and its module for Mockito yet. I followed the bridge/adapter path written up by Shervin Asgari and thank him.  The technique is fundamental enough, and overlooked enough, that I feel compelled to write it up here.

Inside some of our service code is this pop-up for an error:

//Service code
public void codeMethod() {
   try {
      //...something and maybe error
   } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Service exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Service is broken.  Contact help support", "", 

Again the problem is, when running JUnit tests via Maven *in* Eclipse or via the Junit runner, the pop-up shows and requires response. We don’t want this for obvious reasons.

Unfortunately this Swing widget has a lot of static methods so we can’t simply extend the class with an interface and mock that interface. The solution instead is to make an separate interface and implementation, calling the JOptionPane methods.

First I make an interface and a concrete implementation, the latter which executes the JOptionPane method:

public interface OptionPane {
   public void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, 
   String title, int messageType);

public class OptionPaneImpl implements OptionPane {
   public OptionPaneImpl() {
   /*** we have moved the code from the service to here ***/
   public void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, 
   String title, int messageType) {

Now we put the code into the service, and we are ready for mock testing:

//Service code
private OptionPane optionPane = new OptionPaneImpl();

public void codeMethod() {
   try {
      //...something and maybe error
   } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Service exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
      optionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Service is broken.  Contact help support", "", 
      JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); //<-- swapped the interface into here

Here’s what the test looks like with JUnit/Mockito:

public class ServiceCodeTest
   private ServiceCode serviceCode;

   private OptionPane mockOptionPane;

   public void setUp() {

   public void testDoCalculate() throws Exception
     //comment out mock declaration and following stub to see message dialog
     anyObject(), anyString(), anyInt());


There almost never seems to be a reason *not* to use an interface. At worse you just write a few extra lines of code but the decoupling, extendability and testability are invaluable.

Give Me That Old Time Tech Policy

Do you like beer? I do. How do you like the amount of selection on the market now? It’s awesome isn’t it? It wasn’t always like this because the screws were tightened down on small and home brewers for years and years. Small timers, in my opinion, simply weren’t trusted with making beer; and in America these laws dated back to the 1920’s and Prohibition. Once the regulations were dropped (over many years) we entered this golden age which has made all of our lives better. Here in Wisconsin and over in Minnesota is an unbelievable cornucopia of great new local beers and a remarkable increase in quality of life because we became free to pursue brewing, distilling and wine making. Myself, I’m just a beer acceptance tester. But a good one.

These days in development we are starting to see a tool prohibition start again, and the power of innovation taken out of ours hands. We aren’t allowed to be admins on our machines, to be trusted to freely search the internet for information — and in some cases cut off all together. We can’t use the tools or improve the tools we need and all of this is hurting the industry and stopping innovation. All in the name of security.

There has been a huge bleed over of reactionism from the Target and Home Depot security breaches. And it is my opinion that the manner that security is being addressed is in part incorrect. Stopping innovation, throwing up a Berlin Wall for developers will not, in any way, help your company.  Security is important, oh yes.  As someone who has had a lot of HIPAA training, and in my beliefs system, I am well well aware of this. But some things are inconsequential and wasteful.

We had Tech Prohibition in the 1990’s before the big breakout of last decade. For instance, I remember  working  on a retail site (in a very large company) that needed a lot of graphics work done, and that task fell on my shoulders to do it in addition to the java/css/html. I had to use Microsoft Paint to do the image work — that’s right — because the company would not give me a proper image editor, let me install my own, or even bring a notebook in with my own Photoshop, do the edits, and transfer them to the project. I cannot tell you the amount of time was wasted using that crappy tool for such a task. It took years and years for many companies to *trust* developers to do their work with the tools they wished. The result was the productivity increases we saw, to some extenxt, with developer initiated XP, Lean, Agile movements and the development of CI and extensive developer testing tools, among other things. An explosion.

I can’t use any of these on one of my gigs . . . .

Now to be fair — I can’t say that some developers aren’t at fault. I remember when I first started running into the dynamic languages in the mid-2000’s: Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Groovy etc.  a lot of the sentiment started rolling towards doing work directly out in production.   The languages, especially one’s like JavaScript and PHP, lent themselves to doing quick fixes without doing a big build/rollout process like Java.  But even now the JavaScript people are learning that maybe a compile process isn’t such a bad idea for many reasons besides a dev/production buffer.

Maybe the movement was to get the stodgy old processes out of the way and make way for “Agile.”  Man are there a lot of different interpretations of that word and that was one of the worst ones; the other being “change business requirements in the middle of sprints.”  I guess we could talk about that in depth.

Anyway — having to call the help desk to install a Tortoise upgrade?  Or to get IntelliJ?  Or having them question my choice of a screenshot tool . . . or even a text editor?  It’s coming to this.  We have our Jenkins server logging us out after two minutes, and if I set up a tray monitor it breaks my Active directory/LDAP login and I get locked out.  Is this really the way to conduct a development shop?

Blocking any of these tool choices won’t solve a thing.

What can be done is:

  • Isolate the development environment completely from production.
  • Keep your production data safe as heck.
  • As a developer, do not get production access unless you absolutely need it.
  • As an organization, separate your development people and your support people; they aren’t the same anyway.
  • There are tools that do security checks and software licensing checks and everything else — use these.
  • Why not just have a reasonable guest network in house?  If McDonald’s can have internet, can’t a tech department?
  • As a developer, behave in a professional manner so that there can be no “trust” issues/incidents.  For instance, don’t hook your phone to your computer, don’t bring in USB keys, etc.

What I am doing now is lugging in a separate computer for my stuff now, using tethering from my phone access  — for PM management stuff, Dropbox stuff.  My Fossil and Kanboard and Google Drive things.  I have no choice.

But it’s all too bad now isn’t it.  Such a waste of time.

Making Asynchronous Release Schedules Easy On Your Development Process

Once upon a nightmare a project manager said to me: “I would never let developers work on trunk.”

Serious?  It turned out the organization had *redefined* from industry standards the definition of “trunk” — to them it meant “production release.”  Ummmm.  Ok.

I explained why the concept of trunk is that it is the most advanced rendition of the code, that development is always ahead of production and that production is just a release of developer code.  No matter how you look at it this is the truth, even if you do hot fixes or patches in production (which should be patched back to development or forgotten with production that becomes a dead end branch.)

The repository is there to support development.  Part of development is release.  If the philosophy is the converse:  repositories are there for production release and developers-be-damned I can guarantee you rough seas.

Two scenarios I have worked with that deal with extreme repository interesting situations:

  • Divergent Branch Problem: A branch that diverged with trunk so far that it went on its own release schedule and eventually became its own product.  You see this kind of branching in Github all the time. If this happens, and an organization is still under the delusion that they have one product its too bad — but the behavior of the team will be supporting two products.  Solution:  drop your delusion. You have two products.
  • Asynchronous Features Problem: In this case the teams have several features coming out but no one knows which will be released first.  Solution:  Make branches and merge back to trunk often. Have build servers on all branches . . . and read on.

The Asynchronous Cake Batter

We had two competing Features, A and B.  The features were to be released separately, the first one exclusive of the second feature’s code but no one knew which would be the first to be released.  Got it? Parallel timeline.  AND. . . they had all the developers on all features checking into the same common trunk.  Oh yes they did.  Eventually the “build master” would do a reverse merge in trunk when a build was needed.  using check-in tags to could identify what to pull out, and create a release from what was left.  That’s right — a reverse merge.


A “reverse merge” is pulling code out to create a build with the intention of putting the code back again.

OK, now that you’ve wiped the Dr. Pepper off your screen from your guffaw, and believe my I couldn’t believe it either, nothing would budge them.  They wouldn’t create dedicate branches — indeed, even using SVN they could have, and none of the teams were really sure what a build number meant out in QA.  You’d get build 456 and say “hey. . are you testing Feature A or B”?  Only the build master knew from the edict he received from management.  Yeah, our QA systems were testing both at the same time on the same systems.  And services were going out too — so sometimes a Feature A client would be operating on a Feature B service.

And the worst part was the releases suffered from cake batter syndrome — that is, once you’ve put the eggs and sugar into the batter and its baked you can’t get them out again.  Reverse-merging suffered from this: the resultant code was nothing nobody had created.  And . . .the build masters didn’t work on the code at all but they had to do this complex merging.

My Solution

I was able to manage things my self locally with git and git-svn for our respective repositories.  After hands-on with this I came up with the solution in the following diagram.

Asynchronous Release Strategy


The features are branches where the developers work.  The pain comes in merging back to trunk, but doing so ensures that a future branch gets all the previous features.

Discussing this solution with a few outside that particular culture, this makes sense.  Hg or Git really go a long way to help this.  A developer can switch easily between them.

Also — very important — is the merge back to trunk from the branches.  Now who does this is up for contention.  A merge requires builds and tests and can be time consuming.  My suggestion — automate the merge back to trunk on developer check-ins and run the builds with automated testing.  A breakage means a peal off.

I really think you need three ingredients to do this kind of development — or be ready to descend into the hell we experienced:

  1. A distributed repository that makes branch creating and switching a snap — like Git or Hg.
  2. A build server with a crew ready to clone build jobs for the necessary branches (minimally the mainline trunk and feature branches).
  3. Automated testing — to ensure that nothing breaks.
  4. Frequent and often merges

I cannot suggest this kind of management paradigm that creates this scenario — even with the solution I put forth there is considerable pain in the merges no matter what a person can do. Double check-ins have to occur somewhere when an organization decides to do this, but its better than the dratted reverse-merge.